Get your forklift license online now.

It is valid for­ev­er and every­where in Germany.

This is how the process for obtaining the forklift license works!

Fast, efficient, and simple!

With our fork­lift course, you will become a cer­ti­fied fork­lift dri­ver in no time. No more long wait­ing times — start imme­di­ate­ly and obtain your fork­lift license eas­i­ly and straight­for­ward­ly!

Made easy for you!
Receive access credentials

Buy now and receive your login cre­den­tials imme­di­ate­ly to start the the­o­ret­i­cal part of your fork­lift course right away.

Pass the exam

After com­plet­ing all learn­ing mate­ri­als, you suc­cess­ful­ly con­clude the the­o­ret­i­cal part by pass­ing the final exam!

Complete the practical part

Through our por­tal, you can search for a local fork­lift school and sched­ule an appoint­ment for the prac­ti­cal part of your train­ing. If you pre­fer the prac­ti­cal part in Eng­lish, you can com­plete it at our loca­tion in Duisburg.


Trust through Familiarity:
Our Publications in Focus!

Learn in your own way!

Decide for your­self where you want to get your fork­lift license — whether it’s from your smart­phone, tablet, PC, or even your tele­vi­sion. With our flex­i­ble course con­cept, you can learn any­time and any­where!

No hidden costs!

The entire fork­lift course costs a one-time fee of 250€. You will obtain a ful­ly valid fork­lift license that allows you to work any­where.

Practical training entirely in English

There are very few fork­lift schools where you can also do the prac­ti­cal part in Eng­lish. With us, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty! In Duis­burg, we pro­vide train­ing 100 per­cent in Eng­lish!

Our participants!

Pause whenever you want: You decide when you learn!

Our online course is easy to under­stand and nav­i­gate. You can access it on any inter­net-enabled device. You’ll learn through short, engag­ing tasks rather than long videos. The learn­ing units are brief, allow­ing you to learn quick­ly. Need a break? Take it when­ev­er you want. Start now and learn eas­i­ly and swift­ly!


We are offi­cial­ly rec­og­nized by the Ger­man Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter. Learn flex­i­bly, when­ev­er and wher­ev­er you want — with­out stress. Our course guides you step by step to obtain­ing a full-fledged fork­lift license, pro­vid­ing every­thing you need to excel in your job. Start today and get ready for your pro­fes­sion­al future. It’s easy and fits per­fect­ly into your life!

We understand you!

You might be work­ing in the ware­house, watch­ing fork­lift dri­vers effort­less­ly trans­port goods while you’re lift­ing heavy loads. You’re here for a good rea­son. Choose the fork­lift dri­ver train­ing and make your work easier. 

Any more questions? 

We are avail­able 24/7 to assist you with any ques­tions regard­ing fork­lift licenses! 



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